Below you will find a few screen shots of the main platforms of the software although the software is far too big to show you all the platforms…
- 24 Mountains Feng Shui Software
- 24 Mountains Feng Shui Software Free
- 24 Mountains Feng Shui Software Reviews
- 24 Mountains Feng Shui Software Compatibility
- 24 Mountains Feng Shui Software Download
Features of the Feng Shui for Modern Living Professional Feng Shui Software (compare our features with any other software - and be amazed!). The Professional program provides all these features for Feng Shui AND Chinese Astrology. NOTE: Features labelled LITE are available in the FREE LITE version. Feng shui only to selected students. Early Fundamentals of Feng Shui The history of feng shui covers at least 3,500 years before the invention of the magnetic compass, defining authentic feng shui as having a “Form School ((((形勢形勢//// 巒頭派)派)))” and a “Compass School ((((理氣派理氣派))))” misses the point. The Robbery Star from the 24 Mountains arrives and threatens loss of money, so caution with investments and expenditures will be needed but you must also not let the need for caution make you too indecisive! Full version of 2020 horoscope forecast for Snake. 2020 Feng Shui & Horoscope Update for Horse. HORSE – HOROSCOPE FORECAST 2020 OVERVIEW.

Xuan Kong flying star section:
- Xuan Kong Flying Star analysis with cures and enhancers (Improved & updated)
- 12 Chinese animal calculator
- More advanced print options (New feature)
- Interactive, traditional but simplified Luo Pan chart display option on the flying stars section for advanced compass readings (New feature)
- Every flying star chart for every direction and every period
- Shows associated elements for star and also compass direction.
- Lists 24 mountains with full Chinese name and also easy reference name like north 1, southeast 2 etc.
- The ability to enter compass readings in reverse and mills readings thus ensuring even greater accuracy. (New feature)
- Shows house Trigram and group
- All 81 flying star combinations are given with advice for cures and/or enhancers.
- Location of Annual afflictions. Three killings, Tai Sui, Sui Po, & 5 yellow (Improved & updated)
- Calculates, displays and prints all Xuan Kong, (Flying Stars) 24-Mountains information according to property’s direction and year of construction for every building in the whole world regardless of which hemisphere you are living in. (Improved & updated)
- Extensive, improved and extremely interactive help files at a glance for every section of the software. (New feature)
- Where and where not to place water within your home.
- Lists 24 mountains with full Chinese name and an easy reference name like north 1, southeast 2 etc.
- You will not have to spend hours calculating your natal charts or Gua details, as this is all automatic and best of all, 100% accuracy.
- Special formations and combinations, including pearl string, cascading wind formation, combination of ten, yin spirit formation, parent string, inverse and hidden siren, literature formation, bull fight sha, menacing formation etc (New feature)
- Change compass directions and period in real time.
- All 81 flying star combinations are given with advice for cures and/or enhancers. (Improved & updated)
- Calculates house trigram, group, element etc.
- Customise monthly, annual and elements.
- Traditional and authentic advice for enhancing wealth, business, health, relationships, romance and every aspect of you or your life at home and at your business (Improved & updated)
- Auspicious combinations are marked in yellow and inauspicious are marked in red for easy reference.
Floor plan and flying star chart generation section:
- You will not have to spend hours calculating your natal charts as this is all automatic and best of all, 100% accuracy.
- Draws professional looking floor plans
- Choice of imperial and metric for internal and external wall inserts. (Improved & updated)
- Superimpose all 45 degrees sectors over the floor plan
- Automatically marks north, south, southeast etc so no confusion.
- Change colours
- Superimpose all 45 degrees compass points over any floor plan
- Save floor plans as .BMP, .JPG file or attach/paste to emails (Improved & updated)
- Change compass readings in real time.
- Find centre of building
- Extensive, improved and extremely interactive help files at a glance (New feature)
- Change facing direction, left, right, top & bottom.
- Chinese new year (solar calendar, accurate to the minute (aka Ten thousand year old calendar) compatible from 1923 up to 2023
- Import your own images such as scanned floor plans etc. allowing you to superimpose the eight directions over your floor plan along with the flying star chart. (It will now resize automatically with a few other improvements)
- Add text
- Import your own images such as scanned floor plans etc. allowing you to superimpose the eight directions over your floor plan along with the flying star chart.
- History function to view last five amendments and delete them if needed
- Change monthly and annual stars
- Copy & paste floor plans, charts, images and analysis into any MS Office or similar document or attach to emails
- Save floor plans in JPEG or BMP format
- More advanced print and save options (New feature)
- Undo last command button.
Peach blossom and Chinese animal section
This is a new addition and I actually really love this section, this section is packed full of information on ways to activate peach blossom which is often misunderstood and when loosely translated, it is referred to as ‘romance’ or ‘the good things in life’. If used correctly, it can help bring romance and can even be used to activate and strengthen career prospects, either way you follow the instructions in the same way. Using this little known Feng Shui technique can help attract new romance with people in your life. This enhancer will open some doors but you have to choose which one to walk through.
It is also very powerful when using this formula for mending bridges with your partner, family, friends, neighbours etc. Once you enter your birth details at the click of a button the software will calculate where and how to activate peach blossom and not only that it will automatically calculate the date and time to place the enhance and then it will automatically add the event into the diary system. This is just a tiny part of what it will do, here are a few more…
- Peach blossom advanced formula for romance and career and so much more…
- Peach blossom advanced calculator for romance and career with the ability to add to your diary system
- Advanced Chinese animal analysis for your personal earthly branch giving a much more accurate and superior analysis.
- Extensive, improved and extremely interactive help files at a glance for every section of the software.
- Help buttons all around this section of the software to make usability a lot simpler
- Diary system to show you date and time to place enhancer.
- 12 Chinese animal calculator
- Marriage/relationship compatibility calculator
- In-depth information of partner compatibility for earthly branch, very advanced
- Earthly branch calculator with each of the twelve chinese animals
- Chinese new year (solar calendar, accurate to the minute (aka Ten thousand year old calendar) compatible from 1923 up to 2023
- Chinese animal you are in affinity with
- Suitable careers
- Chinese animal personality overview
- Advanced print options
- Daily and hourly pillars
Min Gua life Trigram and eight mansions reports:
- Your good and bad directions for wealth, health, relationships etc · Choose enhancing colours for yourself and your home/office. (Improved & updated)
- Chinese new year (solar calendar, accurate to the minute) compatible from 1924 up until 2023
- No need to check day and hour of birth anymore.
- More advanced print and options on reports (New feature)
- Powerful and Chinese New Year accurate Gua calculator.
- Shows Trigram, Chinese animal, element, Trigram group.
- Prints a transparency or plain paper overlay for floor plans for eight mansions.
- Enhancing elements, colours and vulnerabilities
Exclusive membership to an online forum within the software:
– A friendly online community to share resource and help each other –
Exclusive membership to an on-line forum community built within the software. This is such a valuable tool to be able to talk to other Feng Shui enthusiasts all over the world!
- Communicate with every single person who is running this software with the click of a button.
- Fully built into the software with no external pages
- Post, read and reply to topics
- Make new friends with a similar interest in Feng Shui
- Ask and answer questions
- Receive instant responses from other users
Over 70 pages of printed detailed reports…
Over 70 pages of printed reports on all Feng Shui information for you, your family, friends or clients and if you buy the business version you can even add your own name, company details, address, website etc along with a colour logo and with the master & business version these reports could grow to hundreds of pages personalised to you or your client
Never before has this ever been available. You would need to spend hundreds, even thousands of pounds/dollars for this amount of detail if you employed a professional Feng Shui practitioner and if you decided to read the books it would years to learn all this information and then chances are the books or websites would be inaccurate and cause you many problems.
Prosperity planner cheque
On this version of the software you can print off your very own personalised auspicious prosperity cheque to enhance your chances of reaching your financial goals. You may have come across a similar version to this in books on how to manifest your dreams or goals; the difference to this cheque is that with the combined auspicious sheng chi numbers embedded onto the cheque it increases your chances of success greatly.
The prosperity planner cheque is an amazing formula that is based all around your own personal date of birth and Sheng Chi lucky numbers; the formula embeds them to your very own full personal printable cheque.
How does this work?
- You load your personal file or manually enter your birth details,
- You then load the prosperity planner cheque,
- Type your name into the requested text box,
- Type the amount of money you would like to be printed on the cheque.
- Select the currency between Euros, GB pounds or dollars,
- Press the print icon
- Either save the file or print it straight off with your unique lucky numbers embedded into the cheque and instructions on where to place it within your home or business.
Daily Planner section:
The Daily Planner page above can help you plan so much in your life from selecting a certain day to make a big decision or day to avoid; auspicious times, elements, colours, directions, 15 degree sectors or numbers. This section of the software is extremely valuable and we all personally use it on a daily basis.
- Good and bad days for every Chinese animal.
- Yearly, month, day and hourly four pillars
- Annual Chinese animal
- Your personal Chinese animal
- Your personal Auspicious times for any selected date
- Your personal Lucky numbers
- Conflict direction for the day
- Season (for northern and southern hemisphere)
- Full diary to plan good and bad days instantly seeing if it is a good or bad day for you.
- Switch between graphic and diary view
- Protection talismans
- Your fortunate directions
- Printable version of all aspects of the daily planner
Saving your personal details:
- The professional version allows you to store up to 50 clients which is more than enough for friends and family
- The masters version allows you to store up to 100 clients
- The business version allows you to store unlimited clients
- You can now transfer all your saved client files, notes etc from Version 2 over to Version 3
- At this stage you can enter all house members or business staff including dates of birth, compass directions, construction dates
- Save floor plans as .BMP, .JPG file or attach/paste to emails
- Quick select client detail drop down menu
- Once entered you can recall any person giving Gua details, flying star charts, Chinese animal and so much more at the click of a button.
- Once you bring up a client all platforms of the software work together so you do not have to re-enter birth details etc on each separate platform
- Save as client name or give own unique client ID.
- You can save the main family member and then store, the house members files can be stored within that folder; so no searching for client names all the time.
- There is a very useful notes/journal folder that you can use for storing/recording all cures and enhancers that you put in place or if you run a Feng Shui business you can store all conversations that you have with your client. An unlimited amount of data can be stored and again easily recalled once you are in your client’s folder. For my business this was an amazing edition to the software.
Saving your personal or company details (Business version only):
- When using the Business version you can enter your own personal, company name, address, tel/fax, web address, email etc.
- The reports that are generated are extremely professional and with your own personal details, it looks even more professional.
- You can also add your own logo, which adds further to the professionalism these reports will give you or your company.
Add your own theories and teachings into software (flying stars) (Master and Business Version only)
This is an editable working sheet/journal on the 81 combinations where the user can edit or add descriptions to the individual combination to their own beliefs.
The 81 combinations can be edited to incorporate your own theories, techniques, skill, teachings or experiences. Michael Hanna has given his own account on each combination but you should use this software like a journal and record all your studies and also real life experiences with clients or friends. An example would be: Generally the combination 1-6 is good but if there are negative forms (i.e. dead trees with branches jutting outwards, a sharp roof pointed towards the property at an angle or sharp mountain) outside this area, there could be brain or head related injury and you should also be careful of nervous breakdown. Also if this 1-6 combination falls in the south palace you should introduce blues and make sure the land formation is good etc.
Select one of the 81 combinations, then press the edit button and enter the text and then press save. This can be revised as many times as you like.

- We have given advice and also solutions for cures and enhancers for every one of the 81 combinations, most of the advice is very specialised and there are many secrets revealed; to most people this is all they would need, however for the eager student and especially the trained Practitioner you can incorporate your own theory on cures and enhancers.
- What does this mean? The original software that I have personally been using in my Feng Shui business for around six years has probably tripled in the information contained within this software. Unbelievably, the software can actually grow in size. If you look at the screen shot you will see the standard text for a mountain #1 and facing #1 star. If you buy the Master or business version you can add to the text in any language and save it so every time this combination is called up your own text will be seen and if you want you can even delete my text and start all over. This is why the Master and business versions are more expensive. This software is a working piece of software not just some pretty looking gimmick, a must for any serious enthusiast, Master or student.
Chinese Feng Shui auspicious ruler
This is a major advancement as all the auspicious dimensions are now calculated with the software. We have added a selection of auspicious household items and furniture for you so that you get a clear idea of how to use this. Input in imperial (inches) or metric and it will automatically tell you what that dimension is good for. Did you know a bed, desk, door, window and virtually every item you can think of must be made with auspicious dimension. This is so important in Asia. This software now calculates all dimensions.
- Now with preloaded auspicious items around your home or office. We have added different objects to the Chinese ruler that you would find around your home or business that all contain very auspicious measurements; these range from beds, wardrobes, doors and right down to a pen.
Lucky Chinese Numbers
Ancient Chinese scrolls suggest that Cheung Leung of the Han Dynasty introduced a competition similar to the lottery around 200 BC. Cheung’s city was at war for several years and was beginning to run out of equipment. Apparently the people of his city refused to contribute any more to the war fund, so Cheung created a game of chance to create income to fund his army. This game, a numbers game not unlike the lottery, was an instant success and played a huge part in saving the city.
Quickly spreading throughout China, the game was also used to help fund the building of the Great Wall. The game also became known as the “white pigeon game” as carrier pigeons were used to send the winning numbers from the lottery games in the larger cities to small villages and hamlets around China and more recently the name used is Lotto or Keno.
Feng Shui Master Practitioners would be employed to analyse birth natal charts and generate a set of numbers to use in the lottery, these were considered as life numbers and used in all forms of gambling.
On this software you can now create your own unique and auspicious lottery/gambling numbers using an ancient secret complex arithmetical code that is little known in our western world. It even generates a lottery ticket and shows you exactly in your home or business to place it to further enhance your chances of winning; we already have great feedback on this with some good wins.
Five elements section
This is a very useful section that teaches you how to use the five elements when applying cures and enhancers. There is a different section in this software for the overview page, productive cycle, weakening cycle, destructive cycle, wood, fire, earth, metal, water.
This section notifies you all on different areas of the five elements like associated shapes, colours, seasons, careers, building shapes and furniture shapes, directions, trigrams etc….
Diary/appointment function
The software is used by hundreds of Feng Shui businesses, Masters, Practitioners, teachers, consultants, architects, interior designers, builders, landscape gardeners, web designers, life coaches, alternative therapists, reiki healers and Feng Shui students throughout the world and use it as a day to day business piece of software, we have now added a full diary function allowing you to enter appointments, birthdates etc. you can also use Microsoft Outlook to save all the client information as a contact. This section of the software was only available in the old versions of the software but we thought that because it was such a valuable tool to have when using this software that we would incorporate it into all three versions of the new version 3 software.
- Reminders for appointments and goal planning that interacts with the diary system
- A powerful diary and appointment system showing if this day at a glance is good or not for you personally.
- Peach blossom advanced calculator for romance and career with the ability to add to your diary system
Back up and restore
You can automatically back up all your client information and store it on an external media disk or hard drive and restore it at any time giving you peace of mind in the event of a computer crash or transfer of computers.
Adding personal notes
We have added a note section to the Academy of Feng Shui version 3.0 so that you can add a note and look back on it as you go through this software as all the information can be a bit too much to remember in your head; why not have all the parts you want to remember in one note! It is also an invaluable tool if you are learning Feng Shui.
Yijing mind game:
We can read your mind and guess what number you are thinking of!! Don’t believe us?
24 Mountains Feng Shui Software
Then take our Yijing challenge and see if you can beat us.
- The challenge is simple…Think of a two digit number
- Write it down on a piece of paper
- Add the two numbers together
- Subtract the answer from the original number
- Press start and study your symbol associated with your number
- You can move the pop up that shows your symbol at any time
- The result is YOUR number only known to you.
This is only a selection of screen shots just to give you an idea; there are far too many sections of this software to include them all on this page…
Please read about postage details:
The software is sent in a DVD case using first class post and normally posted the same working day. There is a fixed £2.95 worldwide postage, however, if you are ordering outside the UK a higher postage/shipping charge will appear on your online invoice, please ignore this as you will only be charged £2.95, we have our own merchant credit card facilities and do not use real time credit card payments (you are not charged a penny until we manually process your order) so rest assured you will only be charged for the software and a fixed £2.95 worldwide p&p. This applies to software only.
24 Mountains Feng Shui Software Free
You can also phone your order during normal working hours to 01296 399100 or outside UK 0044 1296 399100
In attempting to identify the sectors of a house, you would first need to locate the center of the house followed by recording the facing direction of the house as both pieces of information will be integral for the Feng Shui planning for the house. Using a Luo Pan / Feng Shui compass, you stand in the center of the house, align the compass to the magnetic North and like an ancient cheat sheet that was made to withstand the storms of time, the mighty Luo Pan reveals the Feng Shui secrets of your house. At least that’s how I used to feel when I chanced upon seeing a Feng Shui master do his thing.
24 Mountains Feng Shui Software Reviews
Okay, jokes aside.. you would have read Feng Shui Facing and Sitting Directions of a House so you know you don’t actually need a Luo Pan / Feng Shui compass and you would have recorded the house’s facing and sitting directions. What you need next is a soft copy of a 24 mountains compass similar to the one below.

24 Mountains Feng Shui Software Compatibility
You’re going to place the center of the 24 mountains compass over the center of the house and align the compass to the facing direction of the house. Printing the 24 mountains image on a transparency would allow you the freedom to rotate the image over the floor plan, or you can use photo editing software like Photoshop. In the example below, we assume that the house faces West at 270 degrees. Simple isn’t it?
Now, when we refer to a sector, the theoretical demarcation is clear however Qi has no form remember? Thus Bedroom 2 in this floor plan is a South West room.
Let’s get on to it folks, start sectorizing (ok I know that word doesn’t exist) your home. In no time you will be learning the Xuan Kong Flying Stars of the year and understanding how to apply what you’ve learnt thus far.
24 Mountains Feng Shui Software Download
Related posts;
Beginning with Feng Shui
Finding the Center of a House