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The Schémaplic software enables the design of electrical schematics, simulation, operation and editing schemes before their implementation. He addresses the world of initial and continuing training and the company.
For training, Schémaplic meets the requirements of the CAP training standards in electrical Bac Pro, the bachelor STI2D, energy, the Industrial Engineering and Maintenance as in electrical BTS.
For industry, Schémaplic is all about ease of use for the development of industrial patterns. Simulate the operation before engaging the work of electrical wiring and commissioning of electrical installations.
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Schйmaplic palette fonctionnalitйs йtendue for all your schйmas:
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The edition of electrical diagrams with unlimited portfolio associated with a large library,
The power of electrical simulation, analog and temporal (timing), electrical safety,
A technological resource to assist the user in his research,
The integration of teaching exercises at the service of training,
An extensive library of components and a component editor to customize applications