Guild Wars 2 Dmg Meter

Condition damage is how much damage you do, while condition duration is how long said condition lasts on an enemy. There's also condition 'intensity' or 'stacks,' which amplify the rate at which damage is applied. Currently, there are three sources of damaging conditions: burning, poison and bleeding. Guild Wars 2: Every Main Profession, Ranked. There is a delightful variety of professions for players to adopt in Guild Wars 2, and here is a ranking of each type, from worst to best.

Guild Wars 2 Damage Meter Addon

Its that time, hitting the tenth month mark deserves acurrent review of Guild Wars 2! It is important that readers know that GuildWars 2 does accept user feedback and tries to implement that feedback through updates, however it seems impossible for them to do sowithout breaking something. (Globs of Ectoplasm from recycling Rare Items - 5/29/13)
I am going to cover a lot of ground in a precise manner, asto not make this too lengthy. This will be unbiased and make reference torepeated topics within the Guild Wars 2 forums –

Guild Wars 2 Dmg Meter Download

Mesmer –This is a squishy class with a whole lot of power,especially with a great sword spec. They specialize in duplicating their image,or cloning in hopes you don’t figure out which one they are. This is extremelyeffective if you fail to mark the original in a timely manner. Mesmer is of thelight cloth wearing group, When in the fray they rely on their clones and highdamage output to kill their target, before their target kills them.
Thief – Thief is much like an assassin, a little moreacrobatic and invisible 90% of the time. The thief is one of the most playedclasses due to being over powered in WvW and PVP. Thief is also desired becauseof their burst damage output, and survivability within dungeons. Thiefs are of course medium armor wearers,they rely on stealth and unsuspecting prey to burst down instantly with littleto no resistance.
Warrior – If anyone has played as or against a Warrior, youwill quickly realize how powerful this class is! In all modes of game play(PVE, WvW, and sPVP) Warriors reign supreme. It is not uncommon for a Warriorto burst 40k damage in PVE/WvW environments, making this the most played classin GW2. Warriors are Heavy armor wearers, however most focus on Power, Precisionand critical Damage, making them somewhat squishy.
Ranger – Like any other MMO, Ranger has a sidekick apartner in crime that does most of the dirty work. When it comes to thegameplay of ranger, be prepared for PVE easy mode! Not quite as deadly bythemselves, rangers rely on heavy damage output from their pets, or tankingabilities depending on how you play.This class is a Medium armor class,depending on pets and maneuverability to keep the action going!
Guardian – The Guardian is like a typical Tank, soaking uplarge amounts of damage, and is amazing at maintaining boons. In WvW, aGuardian in the right hands will rarely die, and with the right team, Dungeoncrawling will be done with ease! This class is a heavy armor class, and dependson toughness and boons to stay in the fight.
Necromancer – This class is comparable to a Warlock fromother MMO’s, summoning the dead to steal health, condition their foes, and keepthe enemy at bay. Necromancers are cloth type class, and are capable of highhealth, I defense, while having the best AOE damage output in game.
Elementalist – Meet the multi talented caster, capable ofusing four primary elements with a large array of weapons and skills to burstdown targets in a fiery display of power! If Fire isn't your thing perhapselectric whips with daggers are? This class is definitely deadly in one on oneduels, and capable of getting out of some of the stickiest of situations with thehelp of mist form.
Engineer – A utilitarian for the utilitarian! The engineeris a jack of all trades and master of none. This class is extremely difficult, andis considered by most the most difficult class to play. Engineers wear mediumarmor and have low health, relying on turrets, gadgets, tools and projectilesto break their foes down over time. Engineers are a support class at best andare seen in the rear devastating foes from a safe distance.
World Events – The good,the bad, and the ugly truth –
World events happen across the world of GW2, spawningnumerous events that are “dynamic”.
I will cover both positive and negative aspects of this typeof event, in as brief of a method as possible!
When facing Claw of Jormag, Tequatl the Sunless, Shadow Behemoth,or Shatterer , most players are faced with a monotonous task of killing thesespawned bosses for a chest to spawn with the super rare chance of getting anexotic item. The fights are not dynamic, in fact the bosses don’t do anythingexcept perform one skill to temporarily avoid player damage, and then theyreturn to their original position and take it, with little to no resistance,except for the occasional “fear”. Each boss has a unique AOE that affects thearea causing players to lose small increments of health over a period of time.

This forces the player to run outside of the AOE’s effectand regain their health returning to the fight, this is a rinse and repeatsmethod. Most players converge on “safe spots” attacking the boss until it dies,then loot and move on to the next boss spawning. This is extremely boring, anduneventful, (no pun intended) at best, making the epic boss fight feel morelike a chore.

Not much of a challenge is had here, however if anyone is indire need for ectoplasm, you can farm at least 15 events for rare items, and thenroll out to the dungeons to get even more! These events temporarily bring thecommunity together, and the humanitarian side of players comes out. Playersare on a constant cycle of combatswapping by picking up their fallen comrades and taking their place on thefront line. When they reach low health the newly restored player comes rushingback in to contribute to the cause. Arenanet has implemented “scaling” whichmakes the boss harder to kill, but not harder to fight. The more players showup, the longer you stand in place attacking a stagnant boss.
Dynamic/Living Events –
Living events are Segues to the story line, and they don’t actuallyaffect the world itself. These events and the result of successfulcompletion are temporary, and will eventually reset (i.e. Temple of Lyssa).Currently Southsun Cove is temporary content, where players zerg aroundattacking an Instigator, while he deals AOE damage. Yet again uneventful andun-dynamic. These events are very similar to World Boss fights, just on asmaller scale, same amount of players, just a smaller target. Be prepared for alight show during combat, and an un-viewable target! The events in SouthsunCove reset about every 5 minutes and provide mediocre loot at best, on occasionfellow players post their uber awesome Exotic, or better yet precursorweapon, making you feel as though it's never going to happen for you (it probably won't).

The monotonous grind seems to be continuous as most players will neverreceive an exotic worth more than 5G on the Auction House.This portion of the game is boring, and will make you feelunaccomplished. There isn’t anything fun to take away as there is no challengeto a boss that walks 7 meters and then returns to his spawn location. Like the Boss fights, just stand in a safe place and raindown the damage.

It would be more rewarding if the boss used the environmentaround it to maneuver and avoid players attacks, providing obstacles and awhole new level of difficulty to gameplay. Players would be forced to fightmobs pulled by the boss, fighting against the boss and players alike. Obviouslywith proper tweaking this could be made un-exploitable, while adding dynamicsmaking the kill much more rewarding
Classes in real worldtesting-
People have their own observations as to why a class isbroken, each with a biased belief that a particular class should be nerfed, orbuffed.
Arenanet has been put on blast for constantly mis balancing ALL of the classes, so much so that the player base has gone way of the thiefand warrior. Currently Thief’s and Warriors are in high demand for PVE Dungeoncrawling because of their extreme damage output ( warrior recorded with 40kdamage ) and Thief’s exploiting dungeon bosses and mobs to swiftly get pastdifficult portions of an instance.

Arenanet has been frantic trying to balance the classes and thecombat system through PVP… Not only has this broken some aspect of someclasses, but in others, completely ruined the gameplay and combat system ofothers ( Thief and Engineer ) while giving other classes an upper hand in WvW (Warrior and Elementalist ). However yet again classes were tampered withleaving them utterly undesirable in WvW and PVE Dungeon crawling. Currently,and this is my view point, Engineer is broken and is now called the walkingJunkyard. Out of 19 Builds Engineer is only Viable with two, and continues tobe the red headed step child of GW2. The thief is currently on the choppingblock, and is being tweaked in such a way that the class doesn’t play the sameway, making them vulnerable to all manners of beat down.

It is extremely difficult to understand why Arenanet wouldbase class success in a player vs. Player environment and accept the resultstherein as acceptable changes. I am sure most players would agree with me. It wouldbe best to design WvW, sPVP and PVE as separate entities of the game itself,creating limitations and unique gear set for ALL game modes. This would removethe ability to exploit bugs, and prevent one class from being superior to another.
sPVP - structuredPlayer vs. Player-
When entering sPVP, players are given unique armor with basestats all across the board, with no superior stats that PVE armor provides inWvW. Players have access to an array of weapons and Armor combinations associatedto their class, which can be equipped with runes and sigils of the playerschoosing free of charge! Along with free items to equip your character, playersalso have a separate trait setup, that is unique only to PVP, and reverts backwhen you return to PVE mode.

Players expecting to play with their friends and alliesshould be prepared to feel alienated, as balancing and team adjustment isinvoluntary and annoying. On many occasion during my sPVP experience I would beassisting my friends, pulling a winning streak, when suddenly I was placed onthe opposing team against my will, experiencing a devastating loss against myfriends! This is not only a nuisance but a deterrent to stay away from sPVP, asit is broken and extremely disappointing. Every match myself or a teammate wereswitched mid fight, and forced to compete against one another making theoverall experience awful.

Arenanet would receive better player attendance if the autoadjust was removed altogether, and sPVP structured much like World Of Warcraft’sBattlegrounds. I am not saying it should be exact, however they are an exemplaryexample of what is right. Allowing players to join up as a group, and maintainthat group throughout a fight would improve overall numbers as whole, and thenperhaps sPVP would be taken more seriously.
World vs. World –Prepare to be zerged!-
Player expecting a fair fight in WvW had better be preparedfor a wake-up call! WvW is a game mode where player are in control of their ownservers map, much like capturing the flag, but your own flags. You will bepitted against two other servers that may or may not out number you, and or mayor may not work together to ensure your servers downfall (Jade Quarry vs.Blackgate and Sanctum of Rall).

Not only will you more than likely be out manned, it is nowrandomized as of 05/28/13 patch. This means that Northern Shiverpeaks (Tier 7 –3rd place) will face off against Sanctum of Rall (Tier 1 – 1stplace)and Sea of Sorrows in a completely unfair showdown of 10 to 1.

Expect the rage to come out from your servers community, theblame game of blame games, and the overall demise of moral as player willrarely be able to leave their keeps without dying. The best part is player getto keep their PVE gear, along with every special item and Op sigil imaginable.Expect player to exploit their skills in a way never before seen Thief- Thiefduo hiding a zerg squad and ambushing you while you make your way to your commander’slocation.

This experience is as dreadful if not worse than sPVP. If you are oneof the broken classes ( currently Engineer and Ranger ) expect to be thetarget, the easy pickings of WvW. Not much can be said for improving this gamemode, due to Arenanet’s forward stance on how they want it to be played.Expecting a rotation will only spread dismay as lowly populated servers arecrushed by the might and man power of dominant servers.

The only way that thiscould be adjusted is by putting a cap on how many players could be in WvW,preventing the chance of being overrun and making all the present WvW’ers equalin numbers. Keep in mind all maps have a player cap, and this is known asoverflow, which is not what I am talking about. If a server has 500 players,but only 100 players participate in WvW, than all other servers will have theirmap caps lowered to 100 players at any given time.
Auction House-
Like every other MMO player put too much emphasis on thevalue of an item, or exploit an items rarity beyond reasonable measure (PrecursorWeapons/Legendary weapons). Making the acquisition of such items distant dreams.The actual functionality of the Auction house is also lacking, much worse than traditionalMMO’s, and is very clunky to maneuver through. Items searches are not specificto which type of armor you wear, which is extremely annoying ( I am sure a lotof player have accidentally purchased an item thinking they could use it, andit be for a differently class). To sum it up it is rudimentary at best and apain to use. Anet needs to focus on user ease, and navigation. By Redesigningthe Auction House to have better search variables, this could easily be remedied!
LFG – What LFG!?
Party searches are nonexistent in GW2, though players havecome up with many ways to work around this error, it is the responsibility ofAnet to implement a party search. Though it is in the works, that is a keyfeature that should have been released with the launch, not introduced nearly ayear later. There is nothing positive to say, as this is a blatant choice andone that has drawn severe criticism from the GW2 community.
As an experienced MMO player, it is important that all gamesbe put into their own categories, and not compared to one another. Though reflectingin a constructive way to make a game better, it is important that it is done inan unbiased manner, and to NOT compare apples to oranges.

My overall review leaves me disappointed with Guild Wars 2,and with the community itself. Players are given the opportunity to attend allgame modes but very few ever do. My observation is to separate these playerinto their own servers being strictly to sPVP/WvW/PVE combination, sPVP/PVE combination,WvW/PVE Combination, and PVE by itself. This would build stronger communitysupport for each aspect the player wished to take advantage of. However manyservers and their players don’t care for one game mode or the other, whichoverall hurts the community.

LFG is a joke, solely relying on the keen eye of partymembers to pick up that pug for a hoped dungeon crawl that often doesn't happen,because there is no central location for players to make known their willingnessto participate in a Dungeon.
Until Arenanet fixes the above issues, Guild Wars 2 isn’tworth the time, and money (Gems, and game purchase). I would advise anyoneconsidering the purchase of Guild Wars 2 to wait another six more months andrevisit the opportunity. With revamped games like Final Fantasy 14 – A Realm Rebornand Blade and Soul around the corner July/August it may be in your bestinterest to invest in those while you wait.
Back to Feature Packs

Guild Wars 2 Dmg Meter Tester

One of the balance changes coming in the April 2014 Feature Pack is the introduction of ferocity, a brand new stat that will affect your critical damage. Ferocity is being introduced to make bonus critical damage easier to understand, more easily scaled across the whole game, and to help foster a healthy balance environment that encourages players to experiment with their builds.

Converting Critical Damage to Ferocity


Ferocity will work the way a normal stat such as vitality or toughness works. It starts at a base of 0 points and can be increased with gear, traits, or buffs that add to your total ferocity value.

Ferocity will function very similarly to precision; both influence another stat. Just like your critical hit chance will go up as your precision increases, your bonus critical damage go up as you put more points into ferocity. As a result, critical damage will be displayed in manner that is consistent with the main stats on gear and skills, rather than just as a flat percentage.

All armors and weapons that currently provide a critical damage bonus will be updated to provide an equivalent amount of ferocity. As a bonus, you’ll notice that using ferocity as a stat is going to normalize critical damage across items so there isn’t a single item that’s clearly the best to equip for a critical damage boost. Areas such as trait lines, traits, and skills which provide critical damage have been rebalanced individually.

Guild Wars 2 Dmg Meter Apk

Reducing the Maximum Attainable Critical Damage

One of the main goals for balance in Guild Wars 2 is to support a wide variety of builds that cater to different play styles. The current implementation of critical damage works against this. Put simply, if critical damage-stacked builds are more effective than other approaches, the build diversity decreases. As we work to increase support and teamwork between players throughout the game, we examined how we could change critical damage to retain it as a fun and viable approach to build-making while also allowing other builds to shine.

The formula we’re using to convert ferocity into critical damage will reduce the current maximum obtainable values. At level 80, it will take 15 points of ferocity to gain 1% bonus critical damage, which means that there will about a 10% decrease in overall damage for a full “berserker” build.

This stat will still be incredibly valuable to a player looking to increase their damage output, but it will be more in line with other stats. Attainable critical damage currently in PvP will remain relatively untouched, as we feel that it is currently in a good place.

UI Changes

Guild wars 2 dmg meter tester

We have also made some changes to the way in which critical damage is displayed. Right now, if you were to open up your Hero Panel, you might look at your attributes and see that your critical damage is at 50%. What this really means is that you have a 50% bonus to critical damage. All critical hits have a base damage of 150% normal attack damage. So when you have 50% critical damage bonus, your critical hit damage is raised from 150% to 200%.

We’ll change the critical damage shown on the attributes panel to reflect the base as well as the bonus provided from ferocity, so that it will be easier to understand what’s happening when you land a critical hit on some poor foe.

Celestial Gear

Celestial gear, which provides a moderate boost to all stats rather than a significant bonus to a few stats, will be hit harder by these changes compared to other gear, since it provided relatively high critical damage values compared to other stats given out. To compensate, we’re increasing the overall effectiveness of Celestial gear by improving all stats by 6% of their current values.

Celestial gear in PvP had incorrect stat distribution so we’re increasing its effectiveness to be proportional to the new PvE values. This should open up more build diversity and allow you to bring your builds from other areas in the game into PvP.

These updates will help make other builds more viable, increase the clarity of the attributes panel, and fix core issues with critical damage.

See you all on the battlefield!
– Roy Cronacher

Guild Wars 2 Damage Meter

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